Leadership Mentoring
Leadership mentoring takes place through a one to one discipleship process as well as group settings. As different areas of ministry require different giftings, the leadership development course is designed to be a multiple stage discipleship processes to ensure those serving are not only qualified in their walks with Christ to serve the church, but they are theologically qualified and Biblically qualified to leade in church ministry.
If you are interested in serving here at The Mill in a leadership capacity, we encourage you to take the next step and let us know. Please take time after service and contact one of the elders and we will be in touch. Until then, please take time to read the following books as they are included in the development process.
- Leading One Another: Church Leadership by, 9Marks
- The Exemplary Husband: Stuart Scott
- The Excellent Wife: Martha Peace
- Marks of a Healthy Church: John MacArthur
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart: Tedd Tripp
- The Pursuit of God: A.W. Tozer
- Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology or Louis Berkhof Systematic Theology
- 9marks of a Healthy Church: Mark Dever